HOLY FUCK ever read a short story collection and after every story you get up and give it a standing fucking ovation...that's what i'm talking about here...THE NEON WILDERNESS... this writer slipped past my greasy little fingers for this long i'm not sure...traded a vonnegut, bukowski, burroughs for an algren, jim harrison, and ram dass...nice little trade for all concerned...usually it's a fucking chore reading short stories...people jerk off over borges, but i find him a bit of a snooze fest...people circle jerk to hemingway, but nothing really blows my brains out...but this nelson algren...this motherfucker's got an ear for dialogue...creates this nice little tension in each story...stories about the lower class mainly...1940s chicago for the most part...immigrants...poor folk...boxers, boozers, petty criminals, down and's in that bukowski territory but he doesn't write about himself and has more range...he's got characters for days pops...the tough part was taking my time with this book...i just wanted to fuck know just stick my dick in its spine and just fuck it from behind...fuck its brains out...but i didn't...i took my time...i made myself slow down...slow down and made love to what i'm saying bro...of course you don't...william brown