I guess the man's a genius, 
but what a dirty mind he has, hasn't he?
                                - James Joyce's wife

FINISHED. FUCKING. ULYSSES!!!…fucking epic bro…fucking biblical bro…i should get laid for finishing this book bro…at the very least a fucking tshirt…it was like a marathon…went through alot of emotions…ups and downs…didn't think i would make it at some points…a notch in my literary bedpost with this one done…i've become a bit of a Joyce fanatic after reading this bad boy…just started into his first shits, Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man…also got into a book breaking ULYSSES down called Ulysses and Us…Joyce was a game changer...radically altered how you write a novel...then i read a fascinating book on the shit that went down to get that bad boy published, the Most Dangerous Book: the Battle for James Joyce's Ulysses...ULYSSES was a book that become public enemy #1…we're talking about not only being banned from being sold in Amerikkka…but it was banned from even entering into Amerikkka…and if it did get smuggled in somehow…it would get tossed in a pile and burned!…

 Write the dirty words BIG, and underline them and kiss them and hold them for a moment to your sweet hot cunt, darling, and also pull up your dress a moment and hold them in under your dear farting bum.- James Joyce in a letter to his wife
Why was it so flammable…because Joyce held nothing back…at the end of ULYSSES Leopold Bloom's wife is lying in bed thinking about raunchy sex scenes…thinking about sucking cock…getting some cock up her ass…she jokes about sticking a banana up her cunt…writing about that kind of shit just didn't happen up to that point in time...1920s…and the higher ups got concerned it would corrupt people…Joyce didn't give a fuck though…he wouldn't edit that stuff out, but fought to keep it in, even if it meant not getting published or not getting money…took its toll on the dude though…

Print was the way an idea entered the culture's bloodstream, and literary bans ensured that the culture would never absorb dangerous subjects and concepts. What made Ulysses revolutionary was that it was more than a bid for marginally wider freedom. It demanded complete freedom. It swept away all silences. An angry soldier's threats in Nighttown..."I'll wring the bastard fucker's bleeding blasted fucking windpipe"...Molly's imaginary demands..."Lick my shit"...and Bloom's appalling image of the dead sea..."the grey sunken cunt of the world"...are declarations that hencforth there would be no more unspeakable thoughts, no restrictions on the expression of ideas. This is why printing the word fuck was more than schoolboy mischief. "He says everything- everything," Arnold Bennett marveled, "the code is smashed to bits." Ulysses made everything possible. -Kevin Birmingham, from The Most Dangerous Book: The Battle for James Joyce's Ulysses
gotta keep those JAMES FUCKING JOYCE banners burning people!...cause without JAMES FUCKING JOYCE we'd still have shit like this...

I end not far from my going forth
By picking the faded blue
Of the last remaining aster flower
To carry again to you