...anyway...riddle me this...i head over to a friends place today to give them my new ohme made book ANTI PYRAMID DEVICE...the thing is that when i walk into their place i'm stunned to see on their tv a tetris video game on pause...
...in ANTI PYRAMID DEVICE there is a poem called "a war began"...notice then, the line tetris video game on pause...
...they had never seen a copy of ANTI PYRAMID DEVICE nor seen this poem or the line tetris video game on pause...therefore them playing tetris and then putting it on pause was not set up for my benefit...the line itself is incredibly non-linear and was in fact, like much of the poetry and words in this book, channeled...an act of shamanistic poetry...i was in a very heightened state when i wrote these poems...for two hours i wandered around like an antenna opened to the universe...an electrical cord...wifi...an act of precognition for i saw into the future...of course Sparrow thinks i should somehow do this with numbers in order to win the lottery...not a bad idea...