...just finished this fucker of a heavyweight...CANCER WARD by Alexander Solzhenitsyn...that dude's a heavyweight contender...check out his life...soldier, arrested and tossed in the Gulag for talking shit on Stalin...then exiled to the frozen tundra...then gets cancer...survives all that!...comes out fighting...comes out writing...Stalin six feet deep...Kruschev backs him initially and then backstabs him with a full ban and censorship on all his writings...ends up winning the Nobel Prize but can't go and collect the 80grand because he fears they won't let him back into Russia and his family will "disappear"...heavyfuckingweight...dude just wasn't writing like "dude where's my car"...dude could write...dude had observations on society out the yin yang...add all that
experience...sheesh...CANCER WARD...took 100 or so pages to get into it and 3 months to read...but when it clicked in the pages started burning...give it 5 hammer and sickle's out of 5...the last chapter was dope too...had a little Holden Caulfield in it...a little Richie Tenenbaum in it...