...i have this theory that the shit that we're our interests...our hobbies...are glimpses into our past i think i was killed in the Vietnam War...i love Vietnam war movies...books, documentaries...and whenever i'm in a group 
situation i have these flashes...these dissolves...for instance on my softball team...Thomas will be standing there holding a bat but then it'll dissolve into Thomas standing there holding a gun...i always think of the people i know in terms of how they would be in war...i don't know...all just a theory...sometimes i believe in re-incarnation and sometimes i don't...might be just wishful thinking...anyway, polished off this first person account of John Parrish that was a medic in Vietnam...fucking gruesome book...the dude was just hit with bodies day in and day out...just swimming in blood and guts...saving lives and bagging bodies...i can't imagine the toll that would take on your mind...i also wonder what kind of soldier i'd be...brave, chicken shit?...would i be smoking weed all the time, straight edge?...whatever...war is fucking stupid on so many levels...ever hear of the military industrial complex?...allright, allright simmer down patriots...let's see what the good folk said on the message boards at Amazon about this book...

Intriguing but needed more character development of his peers Published 14 days ago by Kathleen kratz it didn't...thanks for coming out "Kathleen"

Interesting and realistic of what happened during this unnecessary war. The sex part wasn't totally necessary to this book. Published 2 months ago by kms
...i disagree cause my penis happened to enjoy the sex parts "kms"

I first read Dr. Parrish's book soon after it was published in the 70's. It made me laugh and it made me cry. Published 3 months ago by A Believer
...i liked this book too "A Believer"...i give it 4 body bags out of 5

Could have done without the prostitute interludes, but otherwise splendid! Published 7 months ago by V. M.
...sorry but once again my penis really enjoyed the "prostitute interludes" in Thailand "V.M."

Somewhere among all the psychobabble there are a few pages of actual interesting dialogue.
Published 10 months ago by R.W. Lamb
...oh "R.W. Lamb"...i'd love to watch you put on some adult diapers and pretend to be a little baby...i'd give you lots of fruit juice so you could go peepee in your adult diapers...