BOOKS ARE FOR PYRAMIDS know when you start to notice something that you haven't really noticed pyramids...and you start seeing pyramids all over the place...and you begin to feel a bit mentally ill cause you're seeing pyramids all over the place...look i'm a telepath i've got to keep up with... i started growing some tomatoes in a pyramid based greenhouse...and they got really bigger than ever...and then pyramids turned my water into moisturizer...pyramids sharpened my knives...turned wine into milk...pyramid based schemes is what i'm talking about here...blueprints to a new reality is what i'm talking about here...pyramid hats...pyramid cats that hunt pyramid rats...knew a guy who slept in a pyramid in his bedroom...knew a guy who used a pyramid as a contraceptive...look i'm a telepath i've got to keep up with these discoveries...supposedly a pyramid taught Burton Cummings to play keyboard...
...i like this PSYCHIC POWER OF PYRAMIDS book...i'm on page 26...early yet...and i tend to get excited at the beginning of these kinds of books and then my enthusiasm tails off...but still...i feel like this book might change my life...william brown