HOLY FUCK THIS BOOK WAS FUCKING CRAZY...i had to have my wood chopping axe by my side while i read this bad boy i was so scared...this book sat on my shelf for god knows how long...finally got into it and couldn't put it down when i burned in my hand...those swedes man...they're always trying to one up each other on how sick and twisted they can make a crime you can't have just one serial killer, you gotta have can't have someone just stabbed once, they gotta be stabbed 52 times, limbs cut off, heart ripped out and left half eaten...this book never took its foot off the gas which made things a bit over the top at the end, like watching a Friday the 13th movie where Jason just won't die but multiplies...anyway, i like reading this shit from time to time...makes me feel less fucked when my wife asks me what i'm know when your girl does that...what are you thinking...hmm let's see...i got some porn scenes in my head from the hot woman i saw at the cafe...ahh what a bunch of horrific visuals of people getting blown up and shot to death from this Sri Lankan doc i saw the other day...some lenny bruce jokes...some thoughts on how i could best kill the rat living in the seriously...don't even ask what i'm thinking cause it's generally a fucking horror movie in my head...