Two things have gotten me on the road to recovery was drinking my own piss last week, thinking it was a jar filled with "light" beer...another was reading this book...

What a fucking it...i can relate being a drunk dad myself...a drunk parent...for instance there's a chapter on how to get rid of your previous nights bottles so that your spouse doesn't find out you were drinking...with the use of strollers and diaper bags this drunk mom did a damn fine job getting rid of the evidence...finding ways to mask your alcoholic breath with perfumes and mouthwash...i use organic whole garlic cloves myself...the first half of the book is like the beginning of a binge session...filled with good times and funny moments...and then she begins to spin further and further out into space...blacking out and getting raped...taking more and more chances at home by secretly drinking...putting her baby at risk, her boyfriend on edge...finally checking into a rehab...coming out and relapsing really bad...losing her family...thinking of suicide...fuck this book got serious like a bad hangover...i felt like vomiting after this read...she just couldn't pull herself out of the black hole of drinking...kept sinking down and down...she could not find the was a pretty fucking hard read for me...and it took alot of courage for her to tell all in this memoir...but like i said if you're a parent with an alcohol addiction this fucker may just be the splash of cold water to your face that you need...or it'll make you wanna get some right now!...sorry, gotta slip out of the house in my socks and run fast to the liquor store (called "TALLY HO") before it closes...get back, get drunk and finish off some Breaking Bad...tally hoooooooo!!!!!